• Events



    Subject Rheology - study of the old prohet (Rheology - study of the old prohet)
    TYPE 특별 강연
    DATE/TIME 2005-11-09 ~ 2005-11-09
    PLACE APCTP Seminar Room (APCTP Seminar Room)
    SPEAKER Prof. Masao Doi (Prof. Masao Doi)
    AFFILIATION University of Tokyo (University of Tokyo)
    * 주제 : Rheology - study of the old prohet "The mountains flowed before the Lord"
    * 연사: Masao Doi 교수(Univ. Tokyo)
    * 일시 : 2005.11.9 오후 3시
    * 장소 : APCTP 세미나실
    * 주최 : 아태이론물리센터(APCTP), 포스텍 이론물리연구소(PCTP)

    * Title : Rheology - study of the old prohet "The mountains flowed before the Lord"
    * Speaker: Prof. Masao Doi (Univ. Tokyo)
    * Date : Nov. 9, 2005
    * Place : AAPCTP Seminar Room
    Hosted by APCTP, POSTECH 

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