About, History
12Start partnerships with KITS(Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences) and CTP(Center for Theoretical Physics Seoul National University)
11Professor Noboru Kawamoto elected as the 7th Chairperson
Professor Yunkyu Bang appointed as the 7th President
12Opening of AAPPS Headquarters
11The Board appoints Prof. Won Namkung as the 6th Chairperson of the Board and Acting President
06Canada becomes a new member
03APCTP 20th Anniversary Ceremony
06Professor Bum-Hoon Lee appointed as the 6th President
04 Reconnected with APEC PPSTI as an APEC Endorsed Institute
11Professor Paul A. Pearce elected as the 5th Chairperson
Kazakhstan becomes a new member
07Professor Seunghwan Kim appointed as the 5th President
04Uzbekistan becomes a new member
04 Professor Won Namkung elected as the 4th Chairperson
Professor P. Fulde reappointed as the 4th President
06Launch of Junior Research Groups (JRG) Program
03India becomes a new member
04Professor P. Fulde appointed as the 3rd President
11 APCTP 10th Anniversary Ceremony
Lao PDR and Mongolia become new members
12 Professor N. V. Hieu elected as the 3rd Chairperson
10Launch of the APCTP Web journal, Crossroads
04R B. Laughlin('98 노벨 물리학상 수상) 2대 소장 이사장 취임
08Relocation of the APCTP Headquarters to the POSTECH campus in Pohang
04Professor A. Arima (Former Minister of Education of Japan) elected as the 2nd Chairperson of the Board of Trustees
01Activity-Financing Contract between UNESCO and APCTP
04재단법인 등록(과학기술부, '97. 4. 16)
11 C. N. Yang('57 노벨 물리학상 수상) 초대 소장 및 이사장 취임
11The President of Korea supports the APCTP at the APEC Science Ministers Meeting
06Inauguration Conference and establishment of the APCTP
09UNESCO PAC, IUPAP, and AAPPS endorse the proposal for APCTP
11Association for Science Cooperation in Asia (ASCA) endorses the proposal to host the APCTP in Korea
05IPC recommends Korea as the host of the APCTP
02Formation of the International Planning Committee (IPC)