JRG - Junior Research Groups
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Due to advancements in loss engineering within classical wave systems, non-Hermitian physics has recently attracted considerable attention. Our research group is committed to understanding the unique physical phenomena present in non-Hermitian systems, like the non-Hermitian skin effect, and to developing the corresponding theoretical tools, like the generalized Brillouin zone theory. Recently, we have been particularly interested in exploring complex frequency detection in non-Hermitian and quantum many-body systems.
Professor Zhesen Yang obtained his Ph.D from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2020 under the supervision of Professor Jiangping Hu. He has worked as a researcher at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (KITS) at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) and as a professor at the Xiamen University. He joined the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics as a Junior Research Group Leader in 2025.
Non-Hermitian Bulk-Boundary Correspondence and Auxiliary Generalized Brillouin Zone Theory
Jones Polynomial and Knot Transitions in Hermitian and non-Hermitian Topological Semimetals (Editors\' Suggestion)
Fermion Doubling Theorems in Two-Dimensional Non-Hermitian Systems for Fermi Points and Exceptional Points (Editors\' Suggestion)
Non-Hermitian Skin Modes Induced by On-Site Dissipations and Chiral Tunneling Effect
Dynamical Degeneracy Splitting and Directional Invisibility in Non-Hermitian Systems