• YST

    YST - Young Scientist Training Program


    • The representation of condensed matter systems in terms of field theories is of key importance for increasing their understanding and for finding potential new applications. My research focuses on identifying and characterizing novel aspects of topological phases of matter using techniques and methods from high-energy physics. I am currently investigating two types of exotic phases: the fractional quantum Hall effect, a phenomenon where electrons in a two-dimensional system under a strong magnetic field form fractionalized quasiparticles with exotic statistics, and fractons, quasiparticles with constraints on their motion induced by the existence of conservation laws for multipolar moment charges. The field theories that describe these systems do not adhere to Einstein's principle of relativity and are known as non-relativistic or non-Lorentzian. By incorporating non-Lorentzian versions of higher-spin fields, p-forms, string models, and supersymmetry, I aim to develop field theoretical descriptions of new types of quasiparticles, contributing to a more complete picture of these topological phases.

      • 279-8790


      • 548


      • Condensed Matter Physics

        Condensed Matter Physics