• SAG

    SAG - Senior Advisory Group

    Name Prof. Han-Yong CHOI
    Affiliation SungKyunKwan University – 2022-04-01 ~ 2026-03-31
    Research Interest Focused on the theory of high temperature superconductivity. A major topic is the pairing mechanism of the high Tc superconductivity. We have been working to determine the experimental constraints from high resolution ARPES data that any viable theory of high Tc superconductivity must satisfy. This will differentiate among many proposed ideas to settle the problem down. Other topics of my group are variations on the theme of high Tc superconductivity pairing interaction
    Career 2014~2015: Executive Director, Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
    2006.9~2006.12: Visiting Professor, University of California
    1999.2~1999.8: Visiting Professor, University of Paris
    1992~present: Professor, Department of Physics, SKKU
    1989~1992: Research Associate, University of Rochester & Xerox Webster Research Center, USA
    1989: June PhD University of Pennsylvania
    1984: Feb MSc Seoul National University
    1982: Feb BSc Seoul National University