Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    No Name Status Affiliation Edit Cancel
    1 Il Nam Yeom etc
    2 Jun Sung Kim Prof POSTECH
    3 Myeongwon Lee Stud Korea University
    4 Gil-Ho Lee Prof POSTECH
    5 Jaewoo Lee Stud Korea University
    6 Myung-Chul Jung PostDoc Arizona State university
    7 In-Ho Lee Researcher KRISS
    8 Sutirtha Mukherjee PostDoc KIAS
    9 Hongchul Choi PostDoc CCES-IBS
    10 Young Duck Kim Prof Kyung Hee University
    11 Jeonghun Sohn Stud POSTECH
    12 Woochan Jung Stud POSTECH
    13 Seungyun Han Stud Postech
    14 Taehyeok Jin Stud KAIST
    15 Mohammad Mirzakhani PostDoc Institute for Basic Science
    16 Mohammad Mirzakhani PostDoc Institute for Basic Science
    17 세인( Sein) Park Stud POSTECH
    18 Muhammad Talha Researcher
    19 June-Young M. Lee Stud KAIST
    20 Chang Sub Kim Prof Chonnam National University
    21 Dongkeun Ki Prof The University of Hong Kong
    22 Hu-Jong Lee Prof
    23 Kwanghee Han Stud Kyunghee University
    24 Hyeonwoo Jeong Stud POSTECH
    25 Minseong Kwon Stud Kyung Hee University
    26 Jiu Chang Stud UC Berkeley
    27 용주 도 Prof GIST
    28 KYEONGHO PARK Stud Quantum Optoelectronic device lab of KyungHee University
    29 Hyungkook Choi Prof Jeonbuk National University
    30 Kyoung Pyo Lee Stud None
    31 Minhyun Cho Stud Kyung Hee University
    32 Jeongmin Shim PostDoc KAIST
    33 Wanki Park Stud KAIST
    34 Minsoo Kim Stud KAIST
    35 Hyeongseop Kim Stud KAIST
    36 Hee Chul Park Researcher IBS PCS
    37 Choi Hyoungsoon Prof KAIST
    38 Yunchul Chung Prof Pusan National University
    39 hwanchul Jung Stud pusan natioanl university
    40 Hyeon Sun Woo Stud
    41 ARIF SARA Stud Gwangju institute of science and technology
    42 Nam-Hee Kim Stud GIST
    43 Jae yoon Kim Stud GIST
    44 Seunghun Lee Stud KAIST
    45 Eunseong Kim Prof KAIST
    46 Kim Pyeong Kang Stud Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology(GIST)
    47 Munsu Jin Stud KAIST
    48 윤 종 필 Stud KAIST
    49 Heung-Sun Sim Prof KAIST
    50 Hyobin Yoo Prof Sogang University
    51 Young-Woo Son Prof KIAS
    52 Suk Bum Chung Prof University of Seoul
    53 Taeha Hwang PostDoc GIST
    54 Yeongmin Jang Stud GIST
    55 Hyun-Woo Lee Prof POSTECH
    56 Suk-Ho Choi Prof Kyung Hee University
    57 Ki-Yeon Kimq Researcher KAERI
    58 준혁 방 Prof 충북대학교
    59 Seung Hyun Chun Prof Sejong Univ.
    60 Seong Jang PostDoc Postech
    61 Ki-Seok Kim Prof POSTECH
    62 Hu-Jong Lee Prof POSTECH
    63 Quynh Anh Thi Nguyen Stud University of Ulsan
    64 Quynh Anh Thi Nguyen Stud University of Ulsan
    65 SeungHyun Shin Stud POSTECH
    66 Minkyung Jung Researcher DGIST
    67 Geunseop Lee Prof Inha University
    68 Yashar Mayamei PostDoc GIST
    69 Je Huan Koo Prof Kwangwoon University
    70 Yashar Mayamei PostDoc GIST
    71 Sang Wook Han Prof University of Ulsan
    72 세인( Sein) Park Stud POSTECH
    73 Tae Hee Chang Prof
    74 Gun-Do Lee Prof Seoul National University
    75 Dohun Kim Stud Mokpo National University
    76 KI YOUNG LEE Researcher KIST
    77 Hyun-Jung Kim PostDoc Forschungszentrum Jülich
    78 Deokgi Hong Stud Seoul National University
    79 Dowook Kim Stud POSTECH
    80 Sungwoo Lee PostDoc Seoul National University
    81 DongKyu Lee Stud Seoul National University
    82 Kabyashree Sonowal Stud Institute for Basic Science
    83 Junho Seo PostDoc IBS, CALDES
    84 Yeonghun Lee PostDoc Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
    85 Sunmog YEO Researcher
    86 Jun Kue Park Researcher Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
    87 Kyoung Hun Oh Stud MIT
    88 Yong-Bin Choi Stud POSTECH
    89 Minky SEO Researcher Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
    90 B I Min Prof POSTECH
    91 Sangjin Lee PostDoc IBS-CALDES
    92 Hongchul choi PostDoc CCES-IBS
    93 Byungmin Kang PostDoc Korea Institute for Advanced Study
    94 Taemin Ahn Stud POSTECH
    95 Jaeuk Bahng Stud Sungkyunkwan university
    96 Hyogeon Park Stud KAIST
    97 Yong-Hui Qi PostDoc APCTP
    98 Je Young Ahn Stud Postech
    99 Euyheon Hwang Prof Sungkyunkwan University
    100 기헌 김 Stud 성균관대학교
    101 Nyun Jong Lee Researcher University of Ulsan
    102 Tae-Hwan Kim Prof POSTECH
    103 Seongjun Park Stud KAIST
    104 Keun-Young Kim Prof GIST
    105 Younghun Ryu Stud KAIST
    106 Woojin Choi Stud Seoul national university
    107 Yeongjaer Kim Stud SNU
    108 Hongseok Kim Stud KAIST
    109 Yeochan An Stud Seoul national university
    110 Geon-Hyoung Park PostDoc POSTECH
    111 Hanbit Oh Stud KAIST
    112 Taehoon KIM Stud
    113 Yung Kim Stud KAIST
    114 MinJu Park Stud POSTECH
    115 Suik Cheon PostDoc POSTECH
    116 성주 임 Prof 성균관대학교
    117 Nam Kim Researcher
    118 Hanoh Lee Researcher
    119 JungYun Han Stud PCS IBS
    120 Sun-Woo Kim PostDoc KAIST
    121 Kunihiro Yananose Stud Seoul National University
    122 Hongchul Choi PostDoc CCES-IBS
    123 Youngkuk Kim Prof Sungkyunkwan University
    124 JAEKYUNG JANG PostDoc Sungkyunkwan university
    125 sunam Jeon Stud SKKU
    126 Jae-Hoon Sim PostDoc Ecole Polytechnique
    127 Jinho Park PostDoc POSTECH
    128 ZHIRUI CHENG Stud Korea University
    129 ZHIRUI CHENG Stud Korea University
    130 Dibya Jyoti Sivananda Researcher None
    131 Donghoon Kim Stud KAIST
    132 Keeseong Park Prof DGIST
    133 Chae Gun Lee Stud Postech
    134 Sagar Sarkar PostDoc APCTP
    135 Yeongjun Kim Stud PCS-IBS
    136 Nitin Samarth Prof Pennsylvania State University
    137 Nitin Samarth Prof Pennsylvania State University
    138 Jongyun Lee Stud POSTECH
    139 Seok-Kyun Son Prof Mokpo National University
    140 Heeyeon Lee Stud Kyung Hee University
    141 Jaemo Jeong Stud Sungkyunkwan Univ.
    142 Churlhi Lyi Stud SKKU
    143 Sungjong Woo Researcher IBS-PCS
    144 Myung-Ho Bae Researcher KRISS
    145 Young-Seok Ghee PostDoc KRISS
    146 Khaqan Shati Researcher PINSTECH
    147 Yun-Tak Oh PostDoc KAIST
    148 Nojoon Myoung Prof Chosun University
    150 Hyeong Jun Lee PostDoc IBS-PCS
    151 BumKyu Kim Researcher KRISS
    152 Youngwoo Nam Prof
    153 KT Kim Stud KAIST
    154 Tianyu ZHANG Stud The University of Hong Kong
    155 Yueyang WANG Stud HKU
    156 Tianyu ZHANG Stud The University of Hong Kong
    157 Qing Rao Stud HKU
    158 Yueyang WANG Stud HKU
    159 대성 박 Stud Sogang universary
    160 Junhyung Kim Stud Sogang University
    161 Youngmin Cho Stud KAIST
    162 Jung-Wan Ryu Researcher Institute for Basic Science
    163 Du Hyuk Kwon Stud Chungnam National University
    164 Nitin Samarth Prof Pennsylvania State University
    165 Nitin Samarth Prof Pennsylvania State University
    166 Nitin Samarth Prof Pennsylvania State University
    167 Ayoung Yuk Stud
    168 Byeongsung Yu PostDoc KAIST
    169 Yunyeong Chang Stud Seoul National Univ
    170 Jung Hoon Han Prof 성균관대 물리학과
    171 Junhyung Kim Stud Sogang University
    172 kahyun ko Stud
    173 Sungjin An Stud DGIST
    174 Wooyoun Kim Stud KAIST
    175 minsik kim Stud JBNU
    176 Geunryeol Kim Stud KAIST
    177 Jin-Hong Park PostDoc Sungkyunkwan University
    178 Minchul Lee Prof Kyung Hee University
    179 Yong-Hoon Kim Prof
    180 Seunghan Lee Stud POSTECH
    181 Jeongsoo Kang Prof
    182 Inseob Shin Stud POSTECH
    183 Hongguk Min Stud SKKU
    184 Jeon Hyunsoo Stud Hanyang University
    185 Changki Hong PostDoc Weizmann Institute of Science