Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    No Name Status Affiliation Edit Cancel
    1 Hyun Seok Yang Prof GIST
    2 Kyungsun Lee Stud GIST
    3 TaeHwan OH Stud Kyung Hee University
    4 Mitsuhiro Nishida PostDoc GIST
    5 Chen-Te Ma PostDoc APCTP
    6 Donghui Jeong Prof Penn State University
    7 Yujin Kim Stud POSTECH
    8 Changrim Ahn Prof Ewha Womans University
    9 SANG HEON YI Researcher CQUeST, Sogang U.
    10 Minseok Cho Stud KAIST
    11 Hisayoshi Muraki PostDoc APCTP
    12 Sunyoung Shin Researcher
    13 Yunseok Seo Prof Kookmin University
    14 Sunjin Choi PostDoc Korea Institute for Advanced Study
    15 Ki-Seok Kim Prof POSTECH
    16 Sejin Kim PostDoc GIST
    17 Bum-Hoon Lee Prof Sogang Univ
    18 Minkyoo Kim Researcher CQUeST
    19 Saebyeok Jeong PostDoc Rutgers University
    20 Minsung Kim Stud POSTECH
    21 Kyoung Bum Huh Stud GIST
    22 Chunglee Kim Prof Ewha Womans University
    23 Sunly Khimphun Researcher Royal University of Phnom Penh
    24 Kyung Kiu Kim Prof Sejong Univesity
    25 Jungeun Kim Stud Ewha Womans University
    26 Chanyong Park Prof GIST
    27 Sang-Eon Bak Stud GIST
    28 Jong-Hyun Baek PostDoc Sejong University
    29 Taehee Kim Stud Ewha womans university
    30 Yoon Youngsub Stud Chungnam National University
    31 Augniva Ray PostDoc APCTP
    32 Keun-Young Kim Prof GIST
    33 Changhee Kim Researcher Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
    34 Jae-Hyuk Oh Prof Hanyang Univ.
    35 Junggi Yoon Prof APCTP
    36 Myungbo Shim Stud Kyung Hee University
    37 Dongsu Bak Prof University of Seoul
    38 Jung Hun Lee PostDoc Sejong university
    39 Inyong Cho Prof SeoulTech
    40 Monica Jinwoo Kang PostDoc Caltech/KAIST
    41 Rajibul Shaikh PostDoc SeoulTech
    42 Rajibul Shaikh PostDoc SeoulTech
    43 Seungkyu KIm Stud KAIST
    44 Yeonwook Jung Stud KAIST
    45 Matti Jarvinen Prof APCTP, Pohang
    46 Wonwoo Lee Researcher CQUeST, Sogang U
    47 O-Kab Kwon Researcher Sungkyunkwan University
    48 Yein Lee Stud Kyung Hee University
    49 Maverick S. H. Oh Stud University of California, Merced
    50 Byoungjoon Ahn PostDoc GIST
    51 Lang Liu PostDoc Kunsan National University
    52 Chris Couzens PostDoc Kyung Hee
    53 CharlesKenneth Beley Virrey Stud Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology
    54 Ki-Hong Lee PostDoc KAIST
    55 Hyeonjoon Shin Researcher POSTECH
    56 Changrim Ahn Prof