The topic of our program is focused on the cosmological aspects of the origin and evolution of the Universe. Those include inflation, cosmic microwave background, large-scale structure formation, dark matter, dark energy, and gravitational wave in the early Universe. During this focused week, we invite the relevant researchers in Korea and have in-depth discussions on their recent studies and make new collaborations. We encourage anyone who has interest in our program join the meeting.
Workshop venue: main seminar room of APCTP at Pohang
º Invited speakers:
Han Gil Choi (IBS, CTPU-CGA)
Perseas Christodoulidis (Ewha Womans University)
Alexandra Dupuy (KIAS)
Shu-Yu Ho (KIAS)
Jeonghan Kim (Chungbuk National University)
Jongkuk Kim (Chung-Ang University)
Suro Kim (KIAS)
Madhu Mishra (APCTP)
Hee-Jong Seo (Ohio University)
Chang Sub Shin (Chungnam National University)
Gansukh Tumurtushaa (Jeju National University.)
º Organized by:
Kyungjin Ahn (Chosun University)
Ki-Young Choi (Sungkyunkwan University)
Jinn-Ouk Gong (Ewha Womans University)
Donghui Jeong (KIAS, Pennsylvania Sate University)
Seoktae Koh (Jeju National University)
Seokcheon Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
Changyeong Park (Jeonuk National University)
Wanil Park (Jeonuk National University)
º Supported by: APCTP and KIAS
º Contact: Ki-Young Choi (