Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    No Name Status Affiliation Edit Cancel
    1 Hongchul Choi PostDr CCES-IBS,Korea
    2 Myungbo Shim PostDr Kavli IPMU
    3 Ki-Seok Kim Prof POSTECH
    4 Alireza Akbari etc MPI
    5 Bohm-Jung Yang Prof Seoul National University
    6 Jiwon Park Researcher Department of Physics, Soongsil University
    7 DONGSEOK SUH Prof Ewha Womans University
    8 Mao Tian Tan PostDr APCTP
    9 Sunje Kim Stud Seoul National University
    10 Seung Hun Lee Stud Seoul National University
    11 Junghun Han Prof Sungkyunkwan University
    12 Bongjae Kim Prof Kunsan National University
    13 Heung-Sik Kim Prof Kangwon National University
    14 Augniva Ray PostDr
    15 Jin Mo Bok PostDr POSTECH
    16 Hyeongmuk Lim Stud Seoul National University
    17 Hee Chul Park Prof Pukyong National University
    18 Seung-Ju Hong Stud Seoul National University
    19 chulwan Lee Stud kaist
    20 Hyeong Jun LEE PostDr KAIST
    21 Roland Cristopher F. Caballar Prof Department of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science, University of Santo Tomas
    22 Yun Seokhwan PostDr MPI-CPfS
    23 Vladimir Paat Villegas Prof University of Santo Tomas
    24 Sungjong Woo etc
    25 Jess Jess Gambe Prof MSUIIT
    26 Sungmin Park Stud KAIST
    27 JeYoung Ahn Stud POSTECH
    28 Sung-Hoon Lee Prof Kyung Hee University
    29 Byoungyoon Park Stud Seoul National University
    30 Huijoon Sohn Stud Seoul National University
    31 Minwoo Yu Stud Postech
    32 Myung-Chul Jung PostDr Korea University
    33 Junseo Jung Stud Seoul National University
    34 Heesu Kang Stud SNU
    35 Kwangwoo Shin PostDr korea university
    36 Hongseok Kim Stud KAIST
    37 Dyn Paulo Dasallas Stud University of the Philippines
    38 Myungchul Oh Prof POSTECH
    39 Sungjoon Kim PostDoc KIAS
    40 Virendra Kumar Mourya Researcher Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Rajkiya Engineering College, Ambedkar Nagar, U.P. 224122
    41 Upendra Kumar Mishra Researcher Shri Ramswaroop Memorial College of Engineering and Management, Lucknow
    42 Min Ju Park Stud POSTECH
    43 Jhinkyu Choi Stud Purdue University
    44 Dheeraj Maurya Researcher
    45 Han-Jin Noh Prof Dep. of Phys. Chonnam National University
    46 Hyeonhu Bae PostDoc Weizmann Institute of Science
    47 Ysun Choi Stud Seoul National University
    48 Seokju Lee Stud
    49 Jongchul Mun Researcher KRISS
    50 Gun-Do Lee Prof Seoul National University
    51 Dong Hwan Kim Stud Seoul National University
    52 Jungmin Park PostDr KAIST
    53 Choongyu Hwang Prof Pusan National University
    54 Sungdae Ji Researcher KAERI
    55 Jongjun Lee Stud POSTECH
    56 Yongkyung Kwon Prof Konkuk University
    57 Jintae Kim Stud Sungkyunkwan University
    58 Chaewon Jeong Stud Seoul Science High School
    59 Bo Youg Chang Researcher Seoul National University
    60 Min ho Kang Stud KAIST
    61 Seungkyu Kim Stud KAIST
    62 Minseok Cho Stud KAIST
    63 Dongmin Gang Prof Seoul National University
    64 Kyung Lin Dong Stud
    65 Kwangwoo shin PostDr korea university
    66 yunkyu bang Prof apctp
    67 Vladimir Paat Villegas etc University of Santo Tomas