Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    No Name Status Affiliation Edit Cancel
    1 Bogeun Gwak Prof Dongguk University
    2 Kyung-ha Lee Prof Sungkyunkwan University
    3 Chan Park PostDr IBS
    4 Junbeom Ko Stud Dongguk University
    5 Hyewon Han Stud Dongguk University
    6 Minhyo Kim Stud Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)
    7 Hyeong-Chan Kim Prof Korea National University of Transportation
    8 Md Arif Shaikh PostDr Seoul National University
    9 Sunjae Lee Stud Soongsil University
    10 Seong Chan Park Prof Yonsei University
    11 Jeonghyeon Ju Stud SKKU
    12 Junsu Park Stud Dongguk university
    13 Chunglee Kim Prof Ewha Womans University
    14 Chang-Hwan Lee Prof Pusan National University
    15 Jennifer Louise Wright PostDr Australian National University
    16 Simon Charles Tait PostDr University of Glasgow
    17 Louis Dartez PostDr Caltech
    18 Riccardo Bassiri Researcher Stanford University
    19 Kihong Kwon Stud Dongguk University
    20 Amit Kumar Rao Researcher Banaras Hindu University
    21 Bum-Hoon Lee Prof Sogang University
    22 Wonwo Lee Researcher CQUeST, Sogang University
    23 Lu Yin PostDoc APCTP
    24 Jose Julian Barragan Amado PostDoc Dongguk University
    25 Hyung Mok Lee Prof SNU
    26 sumin Lee Stud Kyung Hee University
    27 Gungwon Kang Prof Chung-Ang University