Academic Activities

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  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    Poster Image
    Title HIM2022-12 : Heavy ion last and future 10 years -  RAON, EIC, ALICE3
    Place 부산대학교 제1물리관 317호
    Date 2022-12-02~ 2022-12-03
    Program Category 3
    Organizer Jin-Hee Yoon ( Inha University)
    In-Kwon Yoo ( Pusan National University)
    Sanghoon Lim ( Pusan National University)
    Chang-Hwan Lee ( Pusan National University)
    overview In the last HIM meeting of 2022, we will focus on the future experiments coming, EIC, RAON, and LHC-ALICE3. We will cover the physics possibly can be done at EIC, theoretically and experimentally. We will also discuss the upgrade plan of ALICE for LS3 and LS4. Finally, the review of RAON facility and related research status will be reported.
    program HIM 2022-12

    주제: Heavy ion last and future 10 years - RAON, EIC, ALICE3
    날짜: 12월 2일-3일
    장소: 부산대학교 제1물리관 317호

    Day 1 : Dec 2 (Friday)
    Session 1: EIC
    13:30 - 14:00 Registration 14:00 - 14:50: Energy-momentum tensor form factors and mechanical properties of hadrons, Hyeon-Dong Son (Inha Univ.)
    14:50 - 15:40: Prospects of Korean participation for EIC, Yongsun Kim (Sejong Univ.)

    15:40 - 16:10: Break

    Session 2: ALICE
    16:10 - 16:50: A Forward Calorimeter (FoCal) in the ALICE experiment, Saehanseul Oh (Sejong Univ.)
    16:50 - 17:30: ALICE3, MinJung Kweon (Inha Univ.)
    17:30 - 18:10: ITS3 for the LHC Run 4, Sanghoon Lim (Pusan National Univ.)

    18:10 -: Dinner

    Day 2 : Dec 3 (Saturday)
    Session 3: RAON
    09:30 - 10:20: Status of RAON, Taeksu Shin (IBS)
    10:20 - 11:10: Research activity at CENS, Insik Hahn (CENS)
    11:10 - 12:00: Status of LAMPS, Young Jin Kim (IBS)

    12:00 -: Lunch
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