Academic Activities

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  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    Poster Image
    Title Machine Learning on Condensed Matter Physics and Material Science plus Quantum Computations
    Place APCTP 무은재 306호
    Date 2023-08-16~ 2023-08-17 (Registerable Date : ~ 2023-08-14)
    Program Category 3
    Organizer Hunpyo Lee ( Kangwon National University)
    Heung-Sik Kim ( Kangwon National University)
    In-Ho Lee ( KRISS)
    Joonwoo Bae ( KAIST)
    Machine learning and data-driven sciences and their applications to various fields of science and engineering, including condensed matter and materials physics, has been intensively studied recently. This TRP program aims to organize an informal-style gathering of condensed matter, materials physics and (quantum) machine learning researchers who independently have studied this emerging field of science, and to activate communication and collaboration between domestic and international researchers. Tentative subjects to be addressed are as follows;

    - Data driven discovery and inverse materials design.
    - Deep learning applications in physics and materials science.
    - Machine learning-accelerated numerical algorithms.
    - Quantum machine learning.

    Prof. Young-Woo Son (KIAS)
    Prof. Junghyo Jo (SNU)
    Prof. Ara Go (전남대)
    Prof. Hunpyo Lee (강원대)
    Dr. Minjin Choi (KISTI)
    Dr. Beom Hyun Kim (IBS)

    There will be 6 talks. Tentative time table is as follows;

    8/16 (Wed.)
    12:00 to 12:30 - Registration and greetings
    12:30 to 15:30 - Session 1 (2 talks, Chair: In-Ho Lee)
    (1) [12:30-14:00] Minjin Choi, "Integer factorization using quantum approximated optimization algorithm"
    (2) [14:00-15:30] Hunpyo Lee, "Optimization and Machine Learning on D-Wave quantum annealer"

    15:30 to 19:00 - Session 2 (2 talks, Chair: Hunpyo Lee)
    (3) [15:30-17:00] Young-Woo Son, "Machine Learning Universal Empirical Pseudopotential"
    (4) [17:00-19:00] Beom Hyun Kim, "Variational many-body quantum states with artificial neural networks"
    19:00 - Dinner

    8/17 (Thu.)
    09:30 to 13:10 - Session 3 (2 talks, Chair: Heung-Sik Kim)
    (1) [09:30-11:00] Ara Go, "Unveiling Magnetic Order through Machine Learning: Exploring Electronic Structure"
    (2) [11:00-13:00] Junghyo Jo, "Diffusion generative models"
    13:00 to 13:10 - Concluding remarks
    13:10 - Lunch