Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    Poster Image
    Title [HaPhy 2024-1] Interdisciplinary approach to studying nuclear and hadron physics based on the EIC program
    Place 기초과학연구소(IBS) 중이온가속기연구소, 대전시 유성구 국제과학로1
    Date 2024-02-26~ 2024-02-28 (Registerable Date : ~ 2024-02-02)
    Program Category 3
    Organizer J.K. Ahn ( Korea U.)
    H.-Ch. Kim ( Inha U.)
    K.J. Kwak ( UNIST)
    M.K. Cheoun ( Soongsil U.)
    Y. Kim ( CENS/IBS)
    H.-S. Cho ( KNU)
    S.i. Nam ( PKNU)
    G.-S. Yang ( Hoseo U.)