Academic Activities
Scientific Programs
Title | 2024 3rd Heavy-ion meeting (HIM): Researches on the future accelerators and colliders |
Place | 부경대학교 장보고관 리더쉽홀 |
Registration/Participants |
Scientific program 22 Nov. 2026 (Fri.) 13:00 - 16:00 ALCIE theory / Juhee Hong (Yonsei) 16:00 - 15:00 ALICE experiment / Saehanseul Oh (Sejong) 15:00 - 15:30 Break 15:30 - 16:30 J-PARC-HI / Shighyung Kim (Kyungpook) 16:30 - 17:30 6GSR / Bonghyuk Choi (KBSI) 23 Nov. 2026 (Sat.) 10:00 - 11:00 CMS experiment / Inkyu Park (U of Seoul) 11:00 - 12:00 CMS experiment / Kyujung Bae (Kyungpook) 12:00 - 13:00 Overview of EIC physics: 3D-Parton Structure of Hadrons and Phenomenology / Hyundong Son (Inha) 1. We do not support accommodations. 2. We have a banquet on the dinner of 22 Nov. 2026. 3. Basically, we do not provide Zoom meetings. 6. Simple beverages are prepared for 22 and 23 Nov. 2026. |
Date | 2024-11-22~ 2024-11-23 (Registerable Date : ~ 2024-11-16) |
Program | Category 3 |
Organizer |
Suhong Lee (
Yonsei) Seung-il Nam ( PKNU) Yongsun Kim ( Sejong) Saehaseul Oh ( Sejong) |
Sponsors |
Sponsors - File #1 |
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Sponsors - File #2 |
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