Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Activities
  • Academic Activities


    Poster Image
    Title 14th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop - Memorial Workshop in Honor of Prof. Yongseok Oh : Modern problems in nuclear and elementary particle physics
    Place Pohang, Korea
    Registration/Participants The program will consist of presentations by invited speakers only. For invited speaker, please provide a title and abstract for your talk.
    * Closing date for the registration is May 7, 2023.
    * Please select your accommodation in Category.
    Date 2023-07-09~2023-07-15 (Registerable Date : ~ 2023-05-07)
    Program Category 4
    Organizer Victor Kim (St. Petersburg INP)
    Victor Voronov (BLTP, JINR)
    Nikolai Antonenko (BLTP, JINR)
    Byung-Geel Yu (Korea Aerospace Univ.)
    Yongseok Oh (Kyungpook National Univ.)
    Yeunhwan Lim (Ewha Womans Univ.)
    Chang-Hwan Lee (Pusan National Univ.)
    Hyun-Chul Kim (Inha Univ.)
    Eun-Joo Kim (Chonbuk National Univ.)
    Chang Ho Hyun (Daegu Univ.)
    Byungsik Hong (Korea Univ.)
    Myung-Ki Cheoun (Soongsil Univ.)
    Hee-Jung Lee (Chungbuk National Univ.)
    Serge Bondarenko (BLTP, JINR)