Academic Activities

  • Academic Activities
  • Scientific Programs
  • Academic Activities

    Scientific Programs

    Poster Image
    Title The 13th School of Mesoscopic Physics: Mesoscopic Quantum Devices
    Place POSCO International Center, POSTECH
    Registration/Participants The “School of Mesoscopic Physics” is a meeting to teach graduate students the basic knowledge of mesoscopic physics and promote information exchange, scientific discussions, and collaborations among scientists. This year, the school aims to cover the topic of “Mesoscopic quantum devices”, which has recently attracted attention.
    Date 2024-05-23~ 2024-05-25 (Registerable Date : ~ 2024-05-25)
    Program Category 1
    Organizer Yong-Joo Doh ( GIST)
    Hyungkook Choi ( Jeonbuk National University)
    Minkyung Jung ( DGIST)
    Nojoon Myoung ( Chousun University)
    Seok-Kyun Son ( Kyung Hee University)
    Hee-Chul Park ( Pukyong National University)
    Invited Spearkers Seigo Tarucha (RIKEN)
    Christian Schönenberger (Univ. of Basel)
    Jaseung Ku (KRISS)
    Myunglae Jo (Kyungpook Nat’l Univ.)
    Eunjong Kim (Seoul Nat’l Univ.)
    Sang-Jun Choi (Kongju Nat’l Univ.)
    Moon Jip Park (Hanyang Univ.)
    Meals & Accommodations * Meals will be provided during the school
    - May 23: Dinner
    - May 24: Breakfast, Lunch (Dinner is not provided)
    - May 25: Breakfast

    * Accommodation is not provided for general participants excluding organizers and invited speakers.
    Recommended accommodations
    - Yeongildae Hotel:
    - Hotel Noblion:
    Lecture Nores 1. Dr. Jaeseung Ku
    2. Prof. Myunglae Jo
    3. Prof. Eunjong Kim
    4. Dr. Seigo Tarucha
    5. Prof. Christian Schonenberger
    6. Prof. Sang-Jun Choi
    7. Moon Jip Park
    Lecture Nores - File #1 What you should know about RF Measeurement.pdf
    Lecture Nores - File #2 Fabrication Techniques for Quantum Devices_(0523 ver.).pdf
    Lecture Notes
    Lecture Notes - File #1 Introduction to Superconducting Quantum Devices_0524 ver..pdf
    Lecture Notes - File #2 Fundamentals for quantum computer & Adavances in spin quatum computer.pdf
    Lecture Notes
    Lecture Notes - File #1 2024-Lecture-I-The fractional Josephson effect-Intros plus AC Josephson physics.pdf
    Lecture Notes - File #2 2024-Lecture-II-The fractional Josephson effect-Current-Phase-Relation-in-DC-SQUID.pdf
    Lecture Notes
    Lecture Notes - File #1 2024-Lecture-III-nanowire-based-qubits.pdf
    Lecture Notes - File #2 A Crash Course in Quantum Transport.pdf
    Lecture Notes
    Lecture Notes - File #1 Introductory course of Topological materials_박문집.pdf
    Group Photo
    Group Photo - File #1
    The 13th School of Mesoscopic Physics.JPG